Daily Programming Thread


Low rep power
Mar 28, 2024
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If you know anything about How Stephan Wolfram and Gerald Sussman feel about each other the What Really Lets ChatGPT Work? section of this article becomes infinitely more hilarious. It's good to see neither side has let the grudge die.

Its dangerous that people would even consider this a "next iteration of the search engine". We already have too much of our discernment offloaded onto algorithms that clearly are blind in some crucial regard. Look at The Quartering, how does that guy exist? I can only explain him in terms of "somehow the YouTube algorithms X Y and Z'd this guy into a big audience".
I'm not familiar with any conflict between Wolfram and Sussman but I'm curious now. Could you explain a bit or link something?


Low rep power
Mar 28, 2024
Rep Power
Speaking of Sussman, have you read SICP? I've been meaning to but haven't found the time. People speak so highly of it ...


Low rep power
Mar 7, 2024
Rep Power
I'm not familiar with any conflict between Wolfram and Sussman but I'm curious now. Could you explain a bit or link something?
It's more like a conflict between Wolfram and lot of his academic peers, with Sussman being one of the openly vocal ones about it. Most of it boils down to accusations that Wolfram "borrowed heavily" from the hard work of others to make his product, or that he sometimes doesn't play by the typical rules when it comes to sharing research or subjecting oneself to the typical process of scrutiny.
Speaking of Sussman, have you read SICP? I've been meaning to but haven't found the time. People speak so highly of it ...

I worked through it a long time ago with Scheme. Somebody actually went so far as to redo it for Clojure which I've been meaning to look at, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. My favorite version of SICP is the unofficial texinfo port. It lets you open it with the Emacs help pages, or the linux `info` command https://www.neilvandyke.org/sicp-texi/. I remember hearing something about how they're redoing the series to be based around Typescript or something. It was Sussman or somebody saying "well... today computers are more about downloading libraries and using libraries and stuff". You could just hear the sadness seeping through.

It's too bad /tech/ boards kind of turned Lisp into a meme, I think that working with forms and s-expressions comes really naturally to the human brain, way more than the sort of imperative procedural form a lot of other languages take. If anybody were to learn a Lisp dialect these days I'd definitely recommend Clojure. working with immutable data structures actually does make life a lot easier.


Low rep power
Mar 7, 2024
Rep Power
Multi-Platform Streaming Setup:
I'm going to keep making posts like this, until I either give up on vacation and get a job, or find that one of my active projects warrants way more attention. I know a lot of people here are either watching streams, thinking about streaming, or are already streaming so maybe somebody will find this interesting or helpful.

NGINX is a very popular reverse-proxy (what most people would call a web server). It can be extended with modules, one of which is the RTMP Module. Most streamers are sending their stream via RTMP to whatever streaming platform they use. There are lots of services out there you can pay for that will re-stream your stream, do notifications for you stream, etc. A little work and you don't need to pay for any of that shit though.

Here is a basic configuration for NGINX configuration for streaming RTMP. We start with the base config for NGINX itself, and `include` the config for RTMP.
user  nginx;
worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    ssl on;
    ssl_session_cache    shared:SSL:10m;
    ssl_session_timeout    10m;
    ssl_session_tickets    off;

    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout  70;
    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/api.conf;

include /etc/nginx/conf.d/rtmp.conf;
rtmp {
    server {
        listen 1935;
        chunk_size 1024;
        ping 30s;
        notify_method get;

        # available on /mystream
        application mystream {
        allow publish;
        allow play all;

        live on;

        push maybe.cozy.tv:1935;
        push maybe.rumble.com:1935;

        on_play http://localhost:8080/on_play;
        on_publish http://localhost:8080/on_publish;
        on_done http://localhost:8080/on_done;
If you take a look, you'll see a few configuration options that stand out. The first would be that you can have multiple `push` statements, and those can be to any endpoint that will accept an RTMP stream. If you want to multi-stream across platforms, your `push` statements could have cozy, rumble, twitter, etc all in one block, and all you have to do is point your stream to this box. The other interesting options are `on_play` `on_publish` and `on_done` which let you make things happen when your stream changes state. Useful for sending out notifications or kicking off other events. The other nice thing, is that the module can record your streams for you, and will save .ts segments to a folder somewhere which makes clipping incredibly easy. Lastly, and this is more important to some than it is to others, when you use something like this you are placing an intermediary between yourself and the platforms you use. If you're concerned about your info leaking somehow via streaming data, having a hop between you and your destination is a nice safety measure. Lots of potentially cool stuff a person could make around this module! Even your own streaming platform perhaps.


Low rep power
Mar 4, 2024
Rep Power
I had to sell my PC and all I have left is a Chromebook. I'm hacking tf out of this thing. It's actually kind of nice to have UI consistency and feature parity with android tbh. FAGMAN has been trying to make a hybrid tablet / desktop OS work since Windows 8 and I think Google actually managed to pull it off. If only it was more open then it would be ideal. And I somehow got Minecraft running in a Linux container at 120 fps.
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Low rep power
Mar 4, 2024
Rep Power
youtube-local is a hidden gem, it's a self hosted minimalist YouTube frontend with the option to route through TOR.

As for Android, NewPipe is pretty good but this fork of it includes Return YouTube Dislike and Sponsorblock and more bug fixes / features.



Low rep power
Mar 7, 2024
Rep Power
I had to sell my PC and all I have left is a Chromebook. I'm hacking tf out of this thing. It's actually kind of nice to have UI consistency and feature parity with android tbh. FAGMAN has been trying to make a hybrid tablet / desktop OS work since Windows 8 and I think Google actually managed to pull it off. If only it was more open then it would be ideal. And I somehow got Minecraft running in a Linux container at 120 fps.
I've never really looked at chromebooks, it's the Android OS in a netbook format? I always thought it was some sort of busybox distribution. I've messed around with those compressed app images used by Android for security research stuff but it was all on the Java/Kotlin side of things, and on some shitty emulator.


Low rep power
Mar 4, 2024
Rep Power
I've never really looked at chromebooks, it's the Android OS in a netbook format? I always thought it was some sort of busybox distribution. I've messed around with those compressed app images used by Android for security research stuff but it was all on the Java/Kotlin side of things, and on some shitty emulator.
Yeah thats the direction it seems to be going. Chromium itself is actually based on Gentoo but its locked down. It used to be a glorified browser OS but now you can install Android apps through the play store and run Linux in a container and even use Linux apps seamlessly.


Low rep power
Mar 4, 2024
Rep Power
Recent Developments on The Linux Desktop and Software Politics

Software development is political. Those who own software projects, control thousands if not millions of devices running that software. This is why software by Microsoft or Google is proprietary, if they want to add code to spy on you, restrict the use of your system or add backdoors for glowniggers, they could (and do).

Recently, I've noticed a pattern of developers getting fed up with leftists using CoC's (code of conduct) to dictate the development of software. The most recent example being the Hyprland drama. TLDR; Hyprland is a Wayland-based window manager maintained by "Vaxry". Vaxry was involved in the development of Wayland as well as his window manager. This was until "Lyude" aka Alex, a communist transgender board-member of Freedesktop, owned by Redhat (which maintains Wayland) banned Vaxry from contributing to Wayland or using their forums after digging up some offensive messages from his private Discord server from 2 years ago. In response, Vaxry forked Wayland and now maintains his own version.

Another example is the case of PolyMC, a Minecraft launcher where the project owner removed the CoC and purged leftists from the team.

Since Redhat sets the standards for the Linux desktop, this is a real problem that their employees are willing to sacrifice software quality for their own personal politics. We shouldn't need to worry that our contributions to open source software that everyone uses depends on the emotions of a mentally ill troon. This is something even normies can get behind.

I like to call these CoC resistant projects "chudware". And in the case of hyprland-wayland it contributes to an interesting dynamic where they're both technically allowed to steal code from each-other because they both use the MIT license. I hope more developers follow this same path.

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High rep power
Dec 2, 2023
Rep Power
Vaxry and Lenny are kings. I'm glad there are people in the FOSS community that actually have a spine. Right now I use KDE Plasma, but Hyprland seems like a very well made compositor that I definitely intend on giving a try soon. I recommend reading the Kiwi Farms thread of Drew DeVault, the person who started the entire Hyprland drama. Remember, this entire thing was started because one of Vaxry's discord moderators changed some troon's pronouns to who/cares. That's how insane they are.