


Appealing to the edgy left is not worth it. The only reason the Post-left has a platform is because it’s not threatening to the system while masquerading as the intimate enemy. You see a lot of figures adjacent to the dissident right do this. Tucker Carlson is notorious for pushing the line that “it’s not so much about race as it is about class” talking of the divide in America and resulting problems. Class is apart of the problem but to say it’s just about class is simply not true. Racial differences are real and the consequences for ignoring them are here.

What is interesting in this instance is that tankies are actually trying to appeal to boomers with this #magacommunism. This is a retarded move as no one older than 25 will ever offer a sympathetic view to communism. Conservative boomers would show more favor toward a Nazi than a commie and that’s purely due to indoctrination. The dirtbag left has stolen our style forever and will continue to. It only works because all of us are banned and so they fill the vacuum for some type of radical resistance.

Maga communism isn’t talking about white displacement, Jewish power, or the gynocracy. So what’s the point?
