Atrocity Exhibition

Atrocity Exhibition

Seems like a lot of fuss over a historical event that happneded a century ago in another country, doesn’t it?

From NBC News:

In Monday’s episode of ABC’s “The View,” host Whoopi Goldberg claimed the Holocaust was “not about race.” That’s historically confused and minimizes the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people. In addition, it misrepresents the nature of the Nazis and therefore makes it more difficult to oppose fascist authoritarian violence, whether that violence is directed at Jewish people or at others.

Goldberg apologized a few hours later, acknowledging that the Nazis targeted the Jews because they were a group “who they deemed to be an inferior race.” Initially, though, she said the Holocaust was not racially motivated because Jewish people are white. “This is white people doing it to white people. Y’all go fight amongst yourselves,” she said.

Goldberg did say on “The View” that it was important to teach about the Holocaust. In particular, she expressed support for Art Spiegelman’s “Maus” (which was recently removed from a Tennessee school curriculum) because it helps students “learn about man’s inhumanity to man, however it exposes itself.”

The Holocaust holds a lot of weight in the American’s mind. We are told tales about the persecution of the Jewish people by the Nazis when we are learning our times tables. Why is that? The Bible, the most important book in the history of civilization, has been pushed out of school while genocide takes up 6 weeks of curriculum. Sick when you put it that way.


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