Back Of The Battle Bus

Back Of The Battle Bus

“Hey ho
Who’s ready for ww3
Come ride the battle bus
With me”

Hallowed, Battle Bus

While the Brandon regime edges the country into World War 3, we are still persecuted. A war might be a good thing. A nation divided can’t stand when it’s stretched. The empire has been held together with rubber bands. A war with a super power would at first bring quick crack down on all dissidents. But soon after they would not have the resources to fight a domestic opposition. Who knows though idk idc idgaf.

From Fox News:

“I had a very, very, very good meeting, total unanimity with all the European leaders. We’ll talk about later,” Biden said Monday at the White House to reporters in answer to a question.

He means he just got off the phone with the Jews. This war will be kikes vs Christians. Globalists vs Nationalists. If it comes to fruition. This is the on going battle of history. This is what the world is. Wake up.

From Politico:

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear two cases that could have broad ramifications for how colleges and universities consider race in their admissions process.

In the lawsuit Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, SFFA asked the high court to overturn its ruling in a landmark affirmative action case — Grutter v. Bollinger — that has shaped college admissions policies for nearly two decades. SFFA, which represents about 20,000 students, alleges the Ivy League school intentionally discriminates against Asian American students in admissions.

Additionally, the high court accepted SFFA’s request to combine review of the Harvard case and a separate lawsuit against affirmative action policies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. SFFA lawyers had written in their brief that: “If [the court] decides to revisit Grutter, its analysis would be more complete if it considered both a private university (Harvard) and a public university (UNC).”

In Grutter v. Bollinger, the Supreme Court ruled it was legal for colleges to consider race and use a holistic admissions policy, as long as their affirmative action programs were narrowly tailored.

Affirmative action is explicitly anti-white. This is good that it is at least being heard. I don’t imagine anything will come from it tho tbh. In summary, MLK wouldn’t last a day in Nuketown.


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